DES Energy UK Ltd
Visit us at DES Services Group UK 01253 881 220

Multi-site remote supervision

Monitor and manage your EV charging infrastructure from a central location, regardless of the number of charging points or their physical locations.

EV driver profile management

Easily manage user profiles, track usage, and provide personalised charging experiences for your customers.

Remote monitoring, control, and troubleshooting

Access real-time data, remotely control charging stations, and quickly resolve issues.

Smart charging capability

Optimise charging schedules and manage power distribution to maximise efficiency and minimise costs.

Custom tariff setting

Set charging rates based on specific criteria such as site, user, and time, allowing flexible billing options.

Automatic billing and payment

Streamline the billing process with automated invoicing and secure payment options.

Analytics and API capability

Gain insights into charging patterns, energy consumption, and other valuable metrics through comprehensive analytics. Integrate with other systems through API for seamless data exchange.

User access allocation

Manage user access and permissions efficiently, ensuring secure and controlled usage of the charging infrastructure.

Scalability and Futureproofing

We design our EV charging solutions with scalability in mind. As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, our solutions can easily accommodate future expansion. Whether adding more charging points or upgrading the infrastructure, our solutions are flexible and future-proof.

Seamless User Experience

We prioritise the user experience, making EV charging convenient and hassle-free. Our charging points are user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and secure payment systems. We ensure reliable connectivity and provide comprehensive customer support to address any issues.

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